Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Film Festival Commenting

In Room Four we have been learning to write quality blog comments. I learnt that quality blog comments need to be positive, thoughtful and helpful. We watched previous Manaiakalani Film Festival entrien and made notes about them. We turned these notes into quality blog comments. We practised making quality blog comments on different school blogs 

We made a DLO which had comments about different aspects of films we watched. You can read those comment on the side that is embedded below 


I tried really hard to think about quality things to say in my comments. I found it difficult to talk about the narrative in some of the films because this was new to me. It was easy for me to copy the comments and paste then onto classroom blogs because this is something I have had lots of practice doing. I will really appreciate you commenting on my post and giving me some feedback  

Friday, 7 August 2020

We are learning how to make a quality blog comment.

On Wednesday Latham comes in and teaches us about smart relationships online.  

Thursday, 6 August 2020

what to do if you see someone that has been burnt

On Wednesday we learnt about how to help hurt people with St John's the whole school got to go to the hall to learn how to help in emergencies. It was fun and funny.